After Michael Douglas assumed the role of Ronald Reagan in the next drama from Mike Newell (Great Expectations, Prince of Persia), the next major casting ha...
Around three years year to this exact date, Ridley Scott was kicking around the idea of directing Angelina Jolie and Leonardo DiCaprio in a film surrounding...
We picked up a few tweets late last night regarding the possibility of one of Hollywood's finest actors joining the ever-growing ensemble of Terrence Malick...
Welp, this is one of those inevitable news developments that only grows more terrifying as it becomes closer to existence. Even though Battleship tanked thi...
Sometimes an interview can nearly steer itself. You come in with some questions prepared, then it takes off on a path that is much more interesting. Last we...
Looking back at summer 2012, I still managed to enjoy Ridley Scott's Prometheus more than most other blockbusters. While disappointing to many, I actually l...
Although they are linked with Ridley Scott's American Gangster, the news that Ron Howardwould be directing a documentary on Jay-Z was a bit peculiar. Noneth...
Update: A source told ABC News that Scott had been recently diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer, pointing to a possible reason for this tragedy.
Few character actors fit more comfortable into a role of authority than Dean Norris. Although he's been seen as bit parts in major films such as Gattaca, Te...
It’s hard for any director to return to the genre that once heralded their filmmaking bravado as revolutionary. Yet it's something we as audiences crave, especi...