Over the course of more than thirty years, Abel Ferrara’s films have shocked and challenged audiences with their uncompromisingly personal vision of death, fami...
First aired in 2001, the hour-long documentary “Les Réalisateurs: Michael Mann,” a second-season entry in the TV series The Directors, isn’t the easiest thi...
While remakes are no stranger to the land of Hollywood and abroad, rare is the case when a filmmaker decides to provide a new take on their earlier work. Warr...
Though still unseen by anything we could reasonably call a "massive audience" some eight years after its release, the effects of Layer Cake continue to reso...
As the discussion around his most recent film rages on, momentarily unabated, Ridley Scott is off shooting his Moses epic, Exodus, all while (seemingly) in deve...
For his first two features, Tron: Legacy and Oblivion director Joseph Kosinski created fantastical, futuristic worlds with the sleek, glossy style he transf...
Since donning the Thor costume, this month brought the first non-blockbuster role for Chris Hemsworth (discounting his pre-Marvel work on long-delayed MGM p...
Every week we dive into the cream of the crop when it comes to home releases, including Blu-ray and DVDs, as well as recommended deals of the week. If we we...
Since any New York City cinephile has a nearly suffocating wealth of theatrical options, we figured it’d be best to compile some of the more worthwhile repe...
The Archive is a collection of cinephile-friendly findings around the web, including rare or never-before-seen photos, interviews, footage or any other bits r...