After highlighting the best films of the year thus far, it's time to turn our attention to the fall. While Venice and Telluride will get things going, the big...
With a seemingly endless amount of streaming options -- not only the titles at our disposal, but services themselves -- we believe it's our duty to highligh...
After making one of the most authentically emotional films of his career with A Dangerous Method, David Cronenberg has begun exploring the world of artificialit...
Kicking off this week, a selection of year's finest cinematic works will be unveiled in France and we're letting you know what should be on your radar....
With less than a week to go until Cannes Film Festival kicks off, we've got some new footage from a trio of our most-anticipated films. First up, the debut ...
We are finally in the month of Cannes Film Festival and near the top of our most-anticipated films debuting there is the latest drama from David Cronenberg....
“Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover” is a proverb whose simple existence proves the fact impressionable souls will do so without fail. This monthly column focuse...
With The Grand Budapest Hotel, Only Lovers Left Alive, Under the Skin, and more, it's been a remarkably strong start to the year and things look to continue during the summer season as we count down the 40 must-see independent films....
The rest of the year will mark a busy period for David Cronenberg, as he not only promotes the Cannes premiere and release of his next film, but an upcoming...