Three gauchos on horseback gallop across an Argentine landscape, their connection to their animals and their surroundings palpable. In a crumbling church, an e...
Following the success of The Truffle Hunters, which showed all it takes to make a subject interesting is to approach it with curiosity and openness to wonder, ...
Considering the planning and shooting of The Truffle Hunters took years, it's only fitting the roll-out of the film would have quite a journey. After premierin...
A selection at Sundance, Cannes, Telluride, TIFF, and NYFF, Michael Dweck and Gregory Kershaw’s stately, charming new documentary The Truffle Hunters is one of...
“If you’re not picky, you can eat them on anything.” So says one of the elite group of experienced, elder Italian truffle hunters portrayed in Michael Dweck an...