Completing his unofficial trilogy of American heroism after Sully and American Sniper, Clint Eastwood's latest film recreates the 2015 event in which Anthon...
For every The Best Years of Our Lives, there are dozens of Act of Valors. Despite fairly few war films concerning the aftermath and coming home, PTSD has inflic...
Director Michael Matthews and writer Sean Drummond were drawn to the landscapes of South Africa's Eastern Cape while traveling their homeland, especially the ec...
The classical western exists as an ideal sandbox setting for stories of heroism to play out, white hats separating the protagonists from the black-hatted antagonists. These films don't play by those rules....
A pair of Oscar winners have recently undergone new restorations ahead of theatrical releases. While one can't get much better than The Criterion Collection...
Cannon fire rumbles menacingly in the distance, but it’s human desire that might prove to be the greater threat after all in The Beguiled. Set to the backdrop o...