
[Cannes Review] Jodorowsky’s Dune

Never before has there been a documentary about lost cinema quite like Jodorowsky's Dune. Riding off the success incurred by career-defining films in the early ...

[Cannes Review] All Is Lost

The hurdles in making a film with a single actor, virtually no dialogue and, while you’re at it, also setting action in the middle of the ocean sounds like a da...

[Cannes Review] Only God Forgives

One of the most hyped films at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, Only God Forgives sees the reteaming of Danish helmer Nicolas Winding Refn and his newfound mus...

[Cannes Review] Shield of Straw

Takashi Miike might be the hardest working man in Japanese cinema at the moment, often making three to four different films in a single year. This uncanny outpu...

[Cannes Review] Behind the Candelabra

"Too much of a good thing is wonderful." So says Liberace in what might be Steven Soderbergh's final feature film, Behind the Candelabra. A biopic about the fla...

[Cannes Review] Borgman

One of the surprises in the main competition at this year's Cannes Film Festival is Borgman, a Dutch thriller directed by Alex van Warmerdam. Set in the Netherl...

[Cannes Review] The Bling Ring

The latest from Sofia Coppola is a left turn of sorts for the auteur who is known for her atmospheric, ennui-drenched films. Given the edgy source material, the...