Setting a film in the future and casting as its protagonist a man with a disability is a quick way to propose a deeper thematic meaning in a narrative. Layering...
In Romania at the end of the 1980’s–the autumn years of the Ceausescu regime–Adrian Porumboiu worked as a professional referee for the national football league ...
While you can debate the success of politically motivated events like 1970's October Crisis in Quebec, Canada, you can't question their danger removed from the ...
While he earned acclaimed with Barbara, German director Christian Petzold, well-deservedly, reached a bigger audience with his haunting post-WWII drama Phoe...
If you happen to be in need of motivation, take a moment to consider that South Korean filmmaker Hong Sang-soo has released fourteen feature-length movies this ...
How do you make a film about Utøya? Veteran Norwegian helmer Erik Poppe’s latest feature will revive discussions about the justification of making movies about ...
Laura Bispuri’s follow-up to her captivating transgender-themed debut Sworn Virgin is a wrenching, heartfelt drama with an unfussy social commentary that again ...
There's a scene in Nanouk Leopold's Cobain where the titular fifteen year-old (Bas Keizer) tells his estranged, junkie mother Mia (Naomi Velissariou) that he wa...
Migration isn’t just a hot-button issue in the political arena. It’s a hot topic in your local arthouse theater, too. At Berlin’s film festival, the subject is ...
Movies tell stories through characters born out of the filmmaker’s omniscient mind. It’s an exercise in empathy and imagination, obviously, considering no one c...