Despite the rampant success of James Cameron’s alien-based Avatar, Fox is fighting Ridley Scott over the proposed $250 million budget and R-rating for his two Alien prequels, which are deep into pre-production. [Gordon and the Whale]
Fox Executive Tom Rothman is notorious for abhorring R-rated movies and the audience (dollars) they exclude from the theater. As for the budget, one assumes it’s for both films, which doesn’t seem like so much to ask for. Especially these days, when Prince of Persia gets $200 million to burn.
Honestly, Scott’s prequels not happening wouldn’t be a tragedy. Who needs a prequel to a sci-fi classic that succeeded primarily because of its mystery? It seems backwards in many ways. That said, Scott’s a stubborn bastard who succeeds in getting his way most of the time, so this’ll most likely happen. And, hey, maybe Noomi Rapace will even be in it.
Do you care about this news? How much do want Alien explained by two preceding films?