After making a splash with his nifty single-location romantic thriller The One I Love, Charlie McDowell’s follow-up The Discovery came and went quickly. But hi...
In 1984 John Lurie had three films at Cannes but couldn’t afford a plane ticket. For a few indelible moments in Wim Wender’s Paris, Texas, as a high-end pimp h...
While we're hopeful that 2022 may see the premiere of two new Claire Denis films, the first one has now seen the light of day. Fire (aka Both Sides of the Blad...
Directors Christos Passalis and Syllas Tzoumerkas describe their film The City and the City as the untold story of Thessaloniki, Greece. It isn't that because ...
One of the more divisive films coming out of Sundance Film Festival last month was Mimi Cave's FRESH, which provides a dark twist on the rom-com. Now set for a...
As you watch Dark Glasses, Dario Argento’s first film in a decade, it’s nice to think back on his recent performance as the aging film critic in Gaspar Noé’s V...
Dominik Graf has been busy turning out termite art for decades. Finding a home on German TV shows like Tatort and Police Call 310, which air feature-length epi...
A contemporary cliché that weakly attempts to diagnose what ails us in modern life is the idea of being addled by technology––of our minds and attention spans ...
In Before, Now & Then the social and political upheavals of 1960s Indonesia provide a hardened backbone to what is otherwise a tale of longing and simmerin...
For the ideal Valentine's Day treat, our first look at Adrian Lyne's long-awaited erotic thriller Deep Water has arrived. Starring former significant others Be...