Soon to celebrate his 82nd birthday, Hayao Miyazaki came out of "retirement" yet again to work on his latest animation for Studio Ghibli. The project, titled K...
Celebrating its 60th edition this year, the Viennale has marked the occasion by inviting six filmmakers to create trailers for the festival. Featuring work by ...
Sometimes tragedy begets opportunity. Case in point: Henry Selick's The Shadow King being unceremoniously scrapped by Pixar. It was supposed to be his follow-u...
It is fair to assume Criterion could plunder the world of licensed film to build an ultimate noir playlist; credit, then, for focusing sharp and nabbing deep c...
The radical post-apocalyptic sci-fi lesbian fantasy you need this season, A. Hans Scheirl, and Dietmar Schipek's Austrian odyssey Flaming Ears has been newly r...
One of the major rediscoveries of the year is a never-before-seen 4K re-edit of Mark Pellington’s Going All the Way, his directorial debut which premiered back...
The Gotham Film & Media Institute announced the nominations for the 32nd Annual Gotham Awards, with Todd Field's Tár leading the pack with five nominations...
Nina Menkes’ bracing 1991 feature Queen of Diamonds is one of a group of notable films by female auteurs that have recently been restored and brought back into...
The mark of any successful directorial debut is whether you can find the makings of a distinctive authorial voice underneath various layers of homage to the ob...
If ever a film was "very much a vibe," as the kids say, it is Please, Baby, Please. Directed by Amanda Kramer from a screenplay by Kramer & Noel David Tayl...