For seventeen years, fans of M. Night Shyamalan’s Unbreakable have wished for a sequel to the moody superhero drama. Now it looks like the filmmaker is maki...
A Hell or High Water reunion may be making its way to Netflix: Deadline reports that the studio's finalizing a deal for director David Mackenzie to helm the...
“Amen” is the first word uttered in Silent Light -- an appropriate and reverent punctuation to follow the glory that director Carlos Reygadas unveils in the film’s opening minutes....
With the respected directors making their way to television, the medium is now luring Michael Mann back into its warming embrace. The Heat director, who cut...
Steven Soderbergh is back -- although he never really went away. The filmmaker hasn’t helmed a movie since 2013’s Behind the Candelabra, but that didn’t sto...
Documentary extraordinaire Errol Morris is back with The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman's Portrait Photography. The Thin Blue Line and The Fog of War director’s focus...
From the “team-ups you never knew you needed until now” department comes word that Michael B. Jordan and Michael Shannon will co-star in an HBO adaptation o...