The key to a good mystery isn't tricking the audience as much as it is entertaining them. The more you watch from this genre, the less slips past your percepti...
13-year-old Mei (Rosalie Chiang) has always been the perfect child. She respects her parents (Sandra Oh's Ming and Orion Lee's Jin), helps work the family temp...
Pete (Tom Stourton) hasn't seen his university mates in years. Ten years to be exact. It happens. Life happens. We reach adulthood, mature, and set goals for o...
When your dementia-riddled mother starts screaming about nightmares following her and demons crawling out from the water, it doesn't matter how lucid she appea...
Childhood friends Charlotte (Chelsea Edge), Heather (Sophie Vavasseur), and Deidre (Lucy Martin) never get to hang out anymore. Adulthood has a tendency of kee...
It's The Batman time (wide, March 4). As such, there aren't many studio pictures hitting theaters to combat the cowl this month. So, with Turning Red (...
I must say I was excited entering Against the Ice. It has a captivating premise centered on an Arctic expedition at the northern end of Greenland circa 1909, i...
Our introductions to writer/director Ashley McKenzie's leads in Queens of the Qing Dynasty are not to be forgotten. Whether Star's (Sarah Walker) open-mouthed ...
Ahead of the Academy Awards, we’ve reviewed every short film in each category: Animation, Documentary, and Live Action.
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As an accused witch is lifted into the air by rope in the hands of three women, we anticipate the worst. There's no choice when we already know what the latest...