Retaining the gritty authenticity of his lyrically heartbreaking Blue Valentine, Derek Cianfrance's new insanely ambitious look into the nature versus nurture e...
A Noah Baumbach film through and through, I can't help but praise lead actress and co-writer Greta Gerwig's influence in making Frances Ha the quirky, subtly hi...
Jealousy could be the most destructive force in youth culture. With hormones raging to drive a need for companionship to help prevail through high school and re...
Sex, drugs, art, and revolution -- such was the life of a young European in 1971. Or at least it was the life of a young director at 17 trying to reconcile the ...
When TIFF director and CEO Piers Handling introduced the newest adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina by saying director Joe Wright appropriately played up ...
It's truly amazing to watch how guilt, regret, and sorrow can change the very make-up of your character. It may only be for a brief while, but that moment can i...
Leave it to writer/director Annemarie Jacir to make an American more or less indoctrinated to side with the Israelis in the war for the Holy Land see her people...
With all the buzz around world premieres and gala events happening at the Toronto International Film Festival, it's easy to forget there is also a pretty stel...
It's East Berlin, 1984—an entire nation under the Stasi's watchful eye. Freedom is near impossible without risk of arrest or bullet courtesy of a botched escape...
As easily titled by another of its subject's mottos—"Expect the Unexpected"—as what documentarian Brad Bernstein chose, Far Out Isn't Far Enough: The Tomi Unger...