Jared Mobarak

[Review] Shelter

It's quite comforting to see actors-turned-directors not shying away from tough subject matter. You'd almost assume they would amidst stereotypes of celebrity v...

[Review] The Notorious Mr. Bout

I enjoyed Andrew Niccol's Lord of War when it came out in 2005. It was a fast-paced, enjoyable ride down the rabbit hole of the illegal arms trade, but I had no...

[Review] All Things Must Pass

There's no better hook for Colin Hanks' feature-length documentary about the rise and fall of Tower Records, entitled All Things Must Pass, then the opening lin...

[Review] Our Brand Is Crisis

It's probably because I know little about politics and care even less that I find most film's dealing with the subject matter enjoyable. George Clooney's The Id...

[Review] The Inhabitants

When you're setting your New England ghost story against the backdrop of a Salem Witch Trial past, it's quite the coup to secure a locale as famous as the Noyes...

[Review] Trash

It's not every day that a three-time Oscar nominee for directing decides on a foreign language film to be his next project, but that's exactly what Stephen Dald...

[Review] Pawn Sacrifice

I've always been fascinated by Bobby Fischer due to his vanishing rather than anything he accomplished at a chessboard. I've never been good at the game, yet I ...

Jared Mobarak

Jared Mobarak is a Rotten Tomatoes-approved film critic for The Film Stage, Art Director for Buffalo, NY film series Cultivate Cinema Circle, and member of OFCS and GWNYFCA. You can follow his cinematic viewing habits at Letterboxd.