An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, Al Gore's follow-up to his 2006 documentary hit An Inconvenient Truth, directed by Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk, is determi...
Update (3/17/17): The Other Side of the Wind will be coming to Netflix and that the production process has begun in Los Angeles. See the original story belo...
At times energetic and interesting, but mostly messy and overreaching, Ben Affleck's Live by Night starts out as a refreshing departure for the newly-minted Cap...
How much would you like to see a well-written scene of dialogue between Colin Farrell and Anthony Hopkins? It's only a fraction of the feature film in question ...
We spoke with actress Makenzie Leigh about injecting satire into character beats, pulling from her own life, and how personal politics play into a performance....
It's appropriate that the act of illusion plays such a central role in Inferno, for the film itself spends a lot of time masquerading as though it's something l...
In so many ways, Before The Flood, directed by Fisher Stevens, is like any climate change documentary released in recent years, save one facet: Leonardo DiCapri...
Long Nights Short Mornings, written and directed by Chadd Harbold, follows in the footsteps of the "playboy in crisis" sub-genre, populated by the likes of Alfi...
The film adaptation of a satirical novel about American soldiers returning from combat to be celebrated at home by a people that can never fully appreciate thei...
That The Accountant is written by Bill Dubuque, the same man who gave us The Judge, makes so much sense, and about halfway through it becomes clear how far this...
Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.