The Playlist is reporting that Anton Corbijn has put the finishing touches on his upcoming thriller The American, and that the film is ready to make a round of test screenings. However, Corbijn has expressed some extreme (and understandable) condescension towards the whole “test screening” idea:

What the hell is a ‘test screening’ exactly? No idea. I didn’t do one for CONTROL but it is very common in the States so there we go.

This formality is most likely due to the fact that Corbijn is more widely known as a photographer than a director. Even though he has only directed one feature film to date (2007’s acclaimed Control), I have to side with the director in terms of being bewildered by the necessity of this film to be tested, especially considering the fact that it stars George Clooney, perhaps the most iconic and likeable leading man of his generation.

Clooney will star as Jack, as an assassin hiding out in Italy (much of the film was shot on location there) in preparation for his final job, for which he must disguise himself as a painter. None of the other cast members are very widely known, but some might recognize Thekla Reuten from playing Marie in In Bruges. The other actors include Bruce Altman, Paolo Bonacelli, and Violante Placido.

Focus Features will distribute the film for a currently-scheduled release date of September 1st.

Do you think this film will live up to expectations?

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