With his latest film surging in limited release, Wes Anderson isn’t done with the world of Moonrise Kingdom. We reported last week about an animated short that the director set out to create. Featuring the novels Kara Hayward‘s Suzy stole from the library in the movie, Anderson originally thought about actually popping these animations into the full-length film.
But instead, just two months ago, the filmmaker went ahead and produced a short, narrated by Bob Balaban‘s character, and featuring excerpts from the book. It’s now been released today and while a little cruder than something like the Fantastic Mr. Fox animation, it’s a great treat to see Suzy’s imagination expanded. Check it out below by clicking the image, leading you to EW, which also has more info on the process and if we’ll see these completed stories.

Moonrise Kingdom is now in limited release and expanding. One can read our Cannes review here, as well as hear the cast and crew talk about the film here.