After starting as a television show, then becoming an “Arena Spectacular,”  it looks like BBC Worldwide’s Walking with Dinosaurs franchise is finally making its way to the big screen. Do you even need to ask if it’s going to be in 3D?

The film will be directed by Neil Nightengale and Pierre De Lespinois, and the script is being written by John Collee, whose previous credits include Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, Happy Feet, and Creation. Like the TV show, it will use CGI dinosaurs over live-action scenery. BBC Earth and Evergreen films are coproducing the movie, financed by Reliance Big Pictures, on a $65 million budget. Hopefully that’s enough money for quality 3D production technology. [Deadline]

I have high hopes for this film. I watched the original six-part documentary countless times when it premiered on the Discovery Channel 10 years ago, and if the movie takes the same nature documentary-style approach, it will be a fascinating show for people of all ages. If I hear anything about talking or dancing baby dinosaurs on a mission, though, I’m out.

Would you prefer a documentary-style Walking with Dinosaurs, or do you want live-action, 3D The Land Before Time?

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