Soon after the recent news which stated that Vera Farmiga is set to direct and star in the indie drama Higher Ground, /Film has come out with another big story, saying that she has also signed on to star in the indie western A Thousand Guns. Russell Friedenberg is currently tidying up the screenplay, with Heather Rae (Frozen River) set to produce.

Along with Farmiga, there is also a rumor that Demian Bichir will appear in the film, fresh off portraying Fidel Castro in Steven Soderbergh‘s Che. A Thousand Guns will be produced by a new company, Prominent Pictures, and Iron Circle’s website currently has a spoiler-heavy plot synopsis of the film if you’re interested.

Farmiga has a reputation for being a busy worker, and it seems like she has no desire to slow down. After tirelessly working the awards circuit for Up in the Air, she currently has three films in-production, along with A Thousand Guns and Higher Ground: W.E., Henry’s Crime, and Duncan JonesSource Code.

Do you think Farmiga is a good fit for an indie western?

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