According to the infamous Nikki Finke, the rights to the fledgling franchise sold tonight after a 5-hour bidding session. Lionsgate and Sony dropped out after it became clear that hedge fund Pacificor would out-bid anyone and everyone. Spoiler alert: Pacificor got the rights. This is the same hedge fund Halycon sued for money lent in the initial rights-purchasing process. Color me suspicious.

Halycon (the company who produced Salvation and accrued the financial disaster it became) is now free of their debt, getting a $5 milllion check for every Terminator film from now on.

One supposes, in this new fresh hell of reboots, it’s not surprising this tired, worn-out material is still a hot commodity despite it’s recent depreciation.

Based on that cynical sentence above, the question of why just seems naive.

Do you care about who has the Terminator rights? Should we?

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