With more substance than a run-of-the-mill Todd Phillips comedy, Unfinished Business pairs a team that knows the territory of fatherhood well: writer Steven Con...
Update: THR reports that Emile Hirsch has landed the role of John Belushi. Check out the original story below.
The short-lived, still-influential career ...
Passed from one helmer to another like some Hollywood hot potato, the William Monahan-scripted remake of The Gambler may, years after its inception, have fo...
Like millions of others, you could very well head to the theater this weeked and pay around (and likely more than) a dozen singles to see the desperate cash...
Wait, what’s going on here? Is this really a Hangover movie without a hangover, sans a berserk premise, absurd sight gags, and lacking anything that resembles a...
The last full weekend in May is a very special time in America, as we remember the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. A...
While most summer films aim to either launch a new franchise or succesfully continue an existing series, Warner Bros. is positioning Todd Phillips' The Hang...
While Hollywood is focused on getting their most expensive summer action blockbusters in front of the eyes of potential moviegoers, there's also a handful o...
The Hangover formula has proven a success for director Todd Phillips, who will deliver an epic second sequel to his lucrative comedy this summer. Now one pe...
Following yesterday's poster reveal, the first trailer has arrived for Todd Phillips' final entry into his comedy hit trilogy, The Hangover Part III. Reveal...