We were provided with four clips and a batch of stills, but now Sony Pictures Classics have finally launched the trailer for Smashed. We loved James Ponsold...
When the cellist of a world-renowned string quartet discovers early onset Parkinson's is taking away the dexterity needed to continue playing, the will of the e...
With all the adaptations being tossed around Hollywood these days, it's not surprising that Popeye is being targeted next to get the 3D CGI update. While pr...
Adapted from the 2008 novel by Margaret Mazzantini of the same name, Twice Born (Venuto al mondo) isn't quite what it seems. When an aged Italian woman named Ge...
It may be weird to think, but there's no better medium than film to transport an audience into the world of the blind. A character in Andrzej Jakimowski's Imagi...
The latest film from Korean director Kim Ki-duk got pretty lucky, to say the least. Premiering at Venice Film Festival earlier this month, Pieta went on to ...
There is nothing more important to a teenager than everything. It's the sly trick when making a high school movie: the stakes are already built in. That's why y...
Retaining the gritty authenticity of his lyrically heartbreaking Blue Valentine, Derek Cianfrance's new insanely ambitious look into the nature versus nurture e...
Although The Master finally makes its debut this week, it wouldn't be the fall festival season if we didn't have another drama featuring the great Philip Se...