Rob Zombie’s films always strike up controversy; not the kind that’s associated with politics like polemical documentaries, or what the genre he operates in, ho...
Five years after his last foray behind the camera, writer/director Brian De Palma looks to take some of the alternative devices used to film Redacted and combin...
In Robert Redford and Lem Dobbs' adaptation of Neil Gordon's novel The Company You Keep, the personal futures fought for by the militant Weather Underground dur...
I know it's misguided, but my interest in David O. Russell films kind of ended after The Fighter. This was a guy who used to pave his own path with challenging ...
With production underway, Lars von Trier is adding some more players to his erotic drama The Nymphomaniac and it's certainly become a wide variety. While he...
While Lars von Trier has chaos, Juan Antonio Bayona seems to be riding heavily on emotion for his next feature. We got the first trailer for the next film f...
When opening credits begin with 'an Eli Roth film', you should know what to expect. While not quite his creatively—it's directed by Nicolás López—the torture po...
There’s a moment in Neil Jordan’s Byzantium when the strange family unit — mother Clara, daughter Eleanor, and new “boyfriend” Noel — watch what seems to be an ...
Update: Deadline has confirmed the Friedkin will direct Cage in the film. Check out the original story below.
Last year around this time, Nicolas Cage wa...
If you've seen the stellar drama The Secret In Their Eyes, then you already have a few reasons to be excited about Everybody Has a Plan. Not only is Ana Pit...