The Austin based Zellner brothers are known for their particular brand of off-beat dead-pan humor and eccentric worldview. With their new film Kid-Thing the duo...
The lack of information regarding Darren Aronofsky's new film Noah has allowed speculation surrounding the film to run pretty much unchecked. For a while it...
Released in the summer of 2010, Despicable Me ended up making a boatload of money and, more than that, received its share of positive reviews. Sensing more ...
Now that we've made it through the first two weeks of January relatively unscathed, it is time to kick off our countdown of our most-anticipated films of the ...
With cinema being a visual storytelling medium, outstanding achievements in the cinematography field is one category that I adore following. There has been ...
The Directors Guild of America, one of the biggest precursors for the Academy Awards, have announced their nominations today. They are David Fincher for The...
Sorry Sucker Punch and Cowboys & Aliens, but your only real shot at an Oscar just went out the window.Those two blockbusters, along with Thor, Sherlock ...
After highlighting other areas in film this year (here), it is time to share our favorites. Compiled in eight separate lists featuring over 100 films, you wil...
Each week within this column we strive to pair the latest in theatrical releases to worthwhile titles currently streaming on Netflix Instant Watch. This week we...
They couldn't choose between just two. At the 2011 Gotham Awards the jury announced they couldn't possible choose one over the other and made the unpreceden...