As you should be aware by now, Spike Lee is the latest talent to turn to crowdsourcing, as the Brooklyn-based filmmaker is currently the midst of Kickstarti...
Once you break down the existing possibilities, who else is going to lead a female-centered Paul Feig movie? Reporting the inevitable, TheWrap inform us Mel...
Considering his preference for laborious, extensive development, production and post-production, one shouldn't be surprised when the elusive Terrence Malick...
Any narrative of film history is, inevitably, peppered with simplifications -- a through line designed to connect the canonical works while ignoring complicat...
While we eagerly await a surprise Comic-Con panel featuring Terrence Malick and his upcoming Knight of Cups, chances aren't strong that will become a realit...
The two would have shared a credit just some months back, but Terrence Malick excised her appearance from To the Wonder. Now, bringing them together falls t...
After winning Oscars for Milk and Mystic River and working with Terrence Malick, Woody Allen, Brian De Palma and more, it's hard to believe Sean Penn never ...
In his post-Batman career, Christian Bale has had a wealth of choices and thankfully, all of them thus far are projects we're heavily anticipating. While it...
Since any New York City cinephile has an almost suffocating wealth of theatrical options, we figured it’d be best to compile some of the more worthwhile rep...
Finally, a movie that understands struggles of the mind-to-fingers-to-words creative flow. As is told in THR, Keira Knightley has, for the first time in her...