Following last year's Oscar-nominated Parallel Mothers, the next full-length film from Pedro Almodóvar will be his feature English-language debut, an adaptatio...
Two strangers' lives intertwine in Parallel Mothers, the latest film from Pedro Almodóvar. Janis (Penélope Cruz) and Ana (Milena Smit) are single mothers who g...
As Pedro Almodóvar's latest film Parallel Mothers finally arrives stateside this week to close out the 59th New York Film Festival, the director is already set...
T. S. Eliot gave it a cryptic name in The Waste Land: "The Burial of the Dead." Pedro Almodóvar has instructed his glamorous cast in Parallel Mothers to carry ...
It's quite welcome that we're getting successive Pedro Almodóvar the past few years. After Pain & Glory and The Human Voice, his next feature, Madres Paral...
After earning some of the most acclaim in his career for the semi-autobiographical tale Pain & Glory, Spanish master Pedro Almodóvar adapted to the pandemi...
Along with making one of the best films of the year himself with The Human Voice, which will get a proper release this March, Pedro Almodóvar had the chance to...
While much of the film industry shut down this past summer due to the pandemic, Pedro Almodóvar went smaller-scale but spared no expense when it comes to his l...
And like that, the Venice Film Festival, and maybe auteur cinema itself, is back. Recovering from a global pandemic that has altered life as we know it, and wi...
Yes, that headline is correct. Orson Welles, who passed away 35 years ago this fall, has a newly completed film and it's coming to fall festivals. Hopper/ Well...