Although it officially premiered at the Telluride Film Festival, the completed cut of Danny Boyle's immensely entertaining Steve Jobs screened at New York F...
Taken as a straight-faced, just-the-facts account of one great man’s amazing achievements, Steve Jobs is a bit daft. For as much as the structure of Danny Boyle...
Closing out the cinematic year we'll get perhaps the finest love letter imaginable. Kent Jones, who is busy heading up the New York Film Festival, premiere...
We’ve heard it many times before: back in the '50s and '60s, Alfred Hitchcock was considered just a vulgar entertainer, making box-office hits for the unwashed ...
Whether you consider her a tenet of the form or regularly burn copies of I Lost it at the Movies, no one with a serious interest in film criticism would try...
"I will say that it was very painful at the time, but I’m not the first director to have his movie re-cut by a studio, and I will not be the last director unfortunately to have his movie re-cut by the studio."...
There's no documentary at Cannes that we anticipate more greatly than Hitchcock/Truffaut, a multi-stories examination of two men, one decades-long body of w...
By just about every account -- including its creator's "silent" judgement -- Dying of the Light, or the approximation of Dying of the Light that slithered i...
With While We're Young now in theaters and Mistress America awaiting a release date, Noah Baumbach has crafted two of our favorite films of the year thus fa...
Kicking off this weekend at New York City's Film Society of Lincoln Center is the 15th annual Film Comment Selects (full details here and here or below), wh...