Following up his debut feature Thief, Michael Mann embarked on The Keep, a supernatural horror thriller set in Romania during World War II that, amidst editing...
Michael Mann's research into and hands-on approach to his work would make even the most committed artist blush. God knows how deep the cabinets and shelves on ...
The publicity tour for Michael Mann's first film in nearly a decade, Ferrari, has afforded the opportunity for the 80-year-old filmmaker to discuss forthcoming...
Nearly nine years since Blackhat with one hour-long TV pilot and big novel in-between doesn't mean Michael Mann's spent the much-better part of a decade lying ...
With Michael Mann finally returning to feature filmmaking this fall with Ferrari, which is enjoying a festival run ahead of its Christmas debut, the filmmaker ...
In Modena, everyone is losing––the football club, the women, the Ferraris. It’s the spring of 1957, and ex-racer-turned-entrepreneur Enzo Ferrari (Adam Driver)...
Few movies this year loom like Ferrari, the long-awaited and much-delayed return of Michael Mann. Ahead of its Venice premiere, New York Film Festival showing,...
Eight years on from Blackhat, with a TV pilot and novel in-between, Michael Mann finally returns to the cinema this fall. Following Neon's announcement of a Ch...
Not often we write up release-date news but not often––now the better part of eight years, actually––Michael Mann releases a feature. Ferrari, one of 2023's ut...
For the Somewhat Inevitable But Still Crazy files, Deadline have learned Michael Mann and Meg Gardiner's Heat 2 will fulfill its cinematic ambitions: Warner Br...