The only exterior shot Playland shows of the iconic Boston gay dive that lends the film its name is a black-and-white photograph slotted seconds before the end...
“I’m a new filmmaker,” Linh Tran tells me at one point, with an emphasis on the word new, when talking about Waiting for the Light to Change. Born in Vietnam, ...
“I use technology in order to hate it properly," pioneering video artist and self-identified cultural terrorist Nam June Paik says while explaining his playful...
Maryam Keshavarz's semi-autobiographical feature The Persian Version is an energetic family comedy chronicling three generations of Iranian women in the US. An...
This is the customary sentence noting it can be easy to take Hong Sangsoo for granted. The prolificacy of which should tell us he's as appreciated as ever, and...
Filmmaker Maite Alberdi seems keen to remind us non-fiction cinema can belong to different genres rather than reinforce some notion that they are a genre unto ...
Not since Madonna got on her knees in the “Like a Prayer” video in 1989 has anyone been as horny for a saint as the heroine of Mamacruz, a housewife in her 70s...
The narrative feature debut of Erica Tremblay traverses much of the same ground as other films set on and around reservations, highlighting poverty, a spirit t...
There must have been something in the air at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival, where two of the top prizes went to Belgian films about the impossible standards se...
Featuring a great premise from which to build a franchise, YouTube creators Danny and Michael Philippou's directorial debut Talk To Me is a refreshing retread,...