When the Criterion Collection announced that Yasujirô Ozu’s towering 1953 work, Tokyo Story, would be coming to Blu-ray, my first reaction was “shit.” Not t...
It's Jared Leto "who provides the heart," we said in our review of Dallas Buyers Club. "What could easily have become a caricatured stereotype of feminine s...
Part of a horror movie’s appeal lies in the allure of its poster, and Adrían García Bogliano’s Here Comes the Devil has delivered one creepy retro-inspired ...
One will likely first hear about Escape From Tomorrow due to writer-director Randy Moore shooting the film on the premises of Disney's two North American re...
While positive buzz out of film festivals should pique the interest of most cinephiles, it can also be a frustrating experience. In some cases, certain film...
One of my favorite movie experiences of recent years was enjoying the vampire flick Stake Land at Fantastic Fest in 2010 and turning around and having a len...
Like most film festivals, Fantastic Fest is about finding original, exciting voices and Afflicted proves that first-time feature filmmakers Derek Lee and Clif P...
Hitting film festivals this year is the ambitious omnibus film The Turning (trailer), which, at least a portion of, was set to be Cate Blanchett's directori...
After delivering one of the most striking, effective films of the last few years with The Arbor, director Clio Barnard has returned with a new drama, which ...