Accomplishing the rare feature of premiering two features this year, Anthony Chen's Cynthia Erivo-led and -produced refugee drama Drift premiered at Sundance F...
Depending on who you ask, the term “literary cinema” can have good or bad connotations. At worst it implies an over-reliance on handheld camera work, dull natu...
Singaporean director Anthony Chen’s English-language debut follows a West African refugee, Jacqueline (Cynthia Erivo), who washes up on a Greek island homeless...
Anthology films like The Year of the Everlasting Storm, wherein a flurry of esteemed directors create short segments tethered to a common theme, lack a strong ...
Memoria won't be the only Apichatpong Weerasethakul film at Cannes Film Festival. Along with that highly-anticipated Tilda Swinton-led project, the Thai master...
With the pandemic forcing filmmakers into quarantine it meant many productions and premieres were delayed, leaving creative minds to explore other outlets to p...
A highlight on the festival circuit back in 2019, Anthony Chen's Singaporean melodrama Wet Season––which was also the country's Oscar entry––will finally arriv...
Gene Kelly likes to sing in it, Spider-Man is known to kiss in it, but moody old melodrama remains the most reliable companion to rain at the movies. This is at...