Few films announce their mission statement within their opening frames to quite the extent of The Harder They Fall. An introductory title card informs the audi...
Each week we highlight the noteworthy titles that have recently hit streaming platforms in the United States. Check out this week's selections below and past r...
Nick's (Dustin Gooch) mother just passed away. One more source of stress to go along with marriage, parenthood, and the reality that a year of not taking a pay...
It's a story deserving its own film: Iranian filmmaker Mohammad Reza Aslani's Chess of the Wind had three public screenings, likely recognized as the remarkabl...
After a hiatus where New York’s theaters closed during the pandemic, we’re delighted to announce the return of NYC Weekend Watch, our weekly round-up of r...
One of the great restorations of recent years, premiering in the 59th New York Film Festival's Revivals section, is Wendell B. Harris Jr.’s Sundance Grand Jury...
As we learned during the pandemic, some things take two shots to fully work. I saw Austrian director Sebastian Meise’s Great Freedom at Cannes this summer. A c...
It's easy to pick out two of the talking heads in Susan Stern's Bad Attitude: The Art of Spain Rodriguez, a documentary about her husband. Robert Crumb, the ar...
Though she had just experienced the racial abuse of a redneck throwing a glass bottle at her Native American roommate Chrissy B. (Devery Jacobs) before screami...
A moment at the beginning of Sarah T Schwab's adaptation of Life After You tells you all you need to know about the central mother-son relationship. Linda (co-...