During my Toronto International Film Festival experience last fall, one of the most talked about films was Mitch Glazer‘s Passion Play. Unfortunately, not in the way you might expect. Nearly everyone I heard from hated the film and it is now getting a tiny theatrical release before hitting a DVD shelf near you. Megan Fox, Mickey Rourke, and Billy Murray star in the drama and you can see the trailer below via Entertainment Tonight.

Note: Due to Entertainment Tonight’s gloriously shoddy embed and video quality, if you can’t see the video below, head over to their site.

Written and directed by Mitch Glazer (screenwriter of The Recruit and Scrooged), the film boasts a heavenly cast including Academy Award® nominees Mickey Rourke and Bill Murray, Megan Fox, Rhys Ifans, Kelly Lynch and former UFC sensation, Chuck Liddell. Nate Poole (Rourke, The Wrestler, Iron Man 2) is a washed-up jazz musician fleeing from trigger-happy gangster Happy Shannon (Murray, Lost In Translation). While on the run, Nate stumbles across a traveling carnival, and is instantly mesmerized by the carnival’s prized attraction, Lily “The Bird Woman” (Fox, Transformers). But Lily is no carny fake: her wings are real. The fugitive musician falls in love with this angelic creature, and he convinces her to leave with him, to the anger of her ruthless employer (Ifans, Notting Hill). The two flee across the desert, but towards… what? Their destruction? Their salvation?

Passion Play will hit theaters in NY/LA on May 6 and then DVD on May 31.

Did you like the trailer? Will you see the film?

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