Mark Millar creator of the hugely successful Kick-Ass comic and soon to be released feature film is generating a lot of buzz about his comic book and its adaptation for the big screen. It’s got so much good hype going for it that Millar spilled the beans to IGN about a possible forthcoming sequel.

“In a nutshell, the idea of Kick-Ass was what would happen if people in the real world try to be superheroes and that informed the first three issues which was the first movie,” the writer explains. “The second one, the sequel, is what if people tried to be bad guys as a reaction to the superheroes. And it’s just that simple. It’s just the idea of — the same way these guys were contacting each other on Facebook and everything and you know trying out superhero costumes — what if bad kids starting doing this?”

“You’ve got this kind of horrible A Clockwork Orange kind of scenario going where these kids are happy-slapping. They’re with their mobile phones, dressed up as villains doing horrible things to people, recording it and putting it online. And just that becoming massively viral all over the world. These superheroes who are maybe 15 year schoolboys having to try do something about it, trying to stop them with the police trying to close them all down, you know? So that’s probably going to be basis of the Kick-Ass sequel.” Source IGN (via The Playlist)

In addition to the Clockwork Orange reference, Millar also dropped an allusion to A History Of Violence imagined with an eleven year old girl aka Hit-Girl. I guess a sequel to Kick-Ass ultimately depends on how it performs in the box office when it opens this weekend.

Are you planning on seeing Kick-Ass?

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