In 2001, Japanese filmmaker Takashi Miike adapted the manga Ichi the Killer into one of the decade’s most violent and controversial films. He returns to the art form with his take on Noboru Takahashi’s Mogura no Uta, and a new teaser offers a taste of Miike’s warped imagination.
The Japanese-language film follows Reiji (Toma Ikuta), an undercover cop who infiltrates a large criminal organization. Additional plot details are lost in all the manic, unsubtitled nonsense, much of which suggests a much lighter exercise than Miike’s most recent thriller Straw Shield (the addition of “Ode to Joy” helps.) If anything, the film should occupy the director’s fans until he’s done with The Outsider. See teaser via Bleeding Cool below:
According to the film’s website – where you can also view a better quality version of the teaser – Mogura no Uta is set to release in Japan on Feb. 15th, 2014.
Based on the teaser, how do you think Mogura no Uta will stack up to Miike’s other works?