As we expected when the first teaser popped up late last week, Nightcrawler, the directorial debut of Dan Gilroy (The Fall, The Bourne Legacy), was just ann...
When it comes to Susanne Bier-directed features we expected to be part of the fall festival line-up, the long-delayed Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence-l...
With the initial Toronto International Film Festival line-up unveiled, it means the producers and distributors are now in the business of highlighting their...
Recently celebrating 29 years in the business of transporting us to new worlds and telling us fascinating stories, Studio Ghibli's legacy will carry on long...
Considering their long legacy working with Stanley Kubrick, we hoped Warner Bros. were merely joking around when they floated the initial idea of a prequel ...
Well-versed in the world of music, Belle & Sebastian frontman Stuart Murdoch recently embarked on a journey in a new medium, that of filmmaking. After c...
While we're still waiting on U.S. distribution for Xavier Dolan's last film, Tom at the Farm, the director premiered his latest work, Mommy, at Cannes this ...
When it comes to American directors, few careers are more varied and prolific than David Gordon Green. Finding acclaim in the world of independent dramas, h...
We can't imagine The Beatles, nor their influence, will ever leave the forefront of popular culture, and this summer their resonance continued. Not only did...
With the Paranormal Activity franchise pulling out of its Halloween spot again this year, it means producer Jason Blum has swooped in with an alternative of...
After graduating from Hampshire College with a degree in music theory, Leonard Pearce turned his passions to film and writing. He lives in upstate NY with his wife Laura and cat Tardi.