Following up his biggest undertaking yet with Pacific Rim, Guillermo del Toro is going back to his horror-tinged roots in Crimson Peak, led by Jessica Chast...
Currently in his fifth decade of making films, Wim Wenders remains incredible prolific. He recently stopped by Berlin Film Festival, where a retrospective i...
With numerous documentaries and writing on the films of Stanley Kubrick, one might feel like no stone has been left unturned, but there's always room to gai...
After helping bring the work of Lena Dunham to a wider audience with Girls, Judd Apatow will now give another up-and-coming talent the spotlight on the feat...
"There's just one position and hopefully everything happens in this one shot -- the relations between the actors, the body language, we don't have to cut it...
Throughout his career, Steven Spielberg has produced numerous iconic shots (as evidenced here), but there's one film that seems to contain more than any oth...
Released in the fall of 2012, the acapella comedy Pitch Perfect was one of the surprises of the respective year, an endlessly rewatchable crowd-pleaser that...
This past week, Terrence Malick's latest film, Knight of Cups, saw its world premiere (our review) and with it came the superb news that it has found a U.S....
One of the hardest-working talents in Hollywood, Ethan Hawke is currently taking part in the awards run for Boyhood, after stopping by the fall festival cir...
We have yet to see which titles among the SXSW 2015 line-up will stand out, but this spring will bring one of last year's biggest hits, Riley Sterns' Faults...
After graduating from Hampshire College with a degree in music theory, Leonard Pearce turned his passions to film and writing. He lives in upstate NY with his wife Laura and cat Tardi.