Nine years into its existence, A24—the once-indie production and distribution label behind modern greats like Under the Skin (2013), Moonlight (2016), and Uncu...
Lee Jung-jae’s writing, directing, and producing debut Hunt is a tricky film, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. At its heart this is a 50-50 blend of The Raid and JF...
On April 11, 2019, South Korea’s ban on abortion was struck down by the Constitutional Court. On January 1, 2021, abortion was finally decriminalized. That’s i...
Few filmmakers embrace artistic dichotomy like Baz Luhrmann. The Australian writer-director known for epic, ornate, long-gestating projects has become synonymo...
“Congratulations… it’s a murder.” A backwards thing to celebrate? Not when you’re a droll insomniac detective who’s only happy (read: not miserable) when you’r...
David Bowie’s tranquil voice seeps in over a black screen, waxing poetic philosophy about the infinity and complexity of time. Letters incrementally fade in on...
In 2021 Joel Coen directed his first feature apart from his brother. Seven months after The Tragedy of Macbeth's premiere, it’s Ethan’s turn to fly solo. The p...
There are 574 federally recognized Native American tribes in the United States. South Dakota is home to nine, the majority of which lie on the western half. Al...
Spy thrillers are a dime a dozen. Rarer is encountering one set in an Egyptian mosque, much less Al-Azhar, one of the most significant mosques in Islamic histo...
Alex Garland built his career on cerebral sci-fi. The novelist-turned-screenwriter-turned-director was responsible for two of the most acclaimed science fictio...
A New York City film journalist by way of Austin, TX, Luke is an arts enthusiast who earned his master’s studying film philosophy and ethics at Duke. He thinks every occasion should include one of the following: coffee, whiskey, tea, gin, beer, or olives.