Killing Them Safely is, above all, an example of excellent, ethical, fair, and balanced journalism allowing both sides to state their case. What emerges in its ...
The branded documentary is a curious creation. On one hand, it is dismissive to consider A Faster Horse a car commercial, but as one, it works. The bind the pic...
Returning again to the scope of his previous dialogue-driven films, Neil LaBute’s Dirty Weekend is a playful buddy comedy with notes of Neil Simon – and a littl...
Following in the footsteps of the late, great, cinematic badass Michael Glawogger, whose work often put him on the front-lines of the most dangerous jobs (or at...
For a highly praised author, Stephen Elliott is a pretty dull guy. Having just found success publishing his memoir Apart, Stephen (James Franco) is on top of th...
Existing at the edge of performance art, Bodyslam: Revenge of the Banana! chronicles a band of misfits who aren’t degenerates in real life but enjoy playing the...
Arriving in New York at the Tribeca Film Festival in front of a presumably liberal audience, A Courtship is a fascinatingly personal look at the Bible belt and ...
While Molly (Eleonore Hendricks) was never quite the manic pixie dream girl trope, she was certainly held in high regard by the men of her past. Recalling her w...
Suffering from performances, direction and writing that each lack nuance, Bleeding Heart takes subject matter deserving of mature, thoughtful treatment and dist...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.