Ugly and occasionally entertaining, the female-led Antibirth is a punk rock horror thriller set in a decaying suburb somewhere in Michigan. Opening in the middl...
Another uplifting, inspirational documentary on the subject of autism and one family’s struggles, Life, Animated follows the story of the Suskind family and the...
Testing the patience and sanity of its audience, White Girl plays like one of those nights where a friend lets their freak flag fly while you’re the sober one e...
Using gunpowder and sky as his canvas, Chinese-born artist Cai Guo-Qiang’s extraordinary statements on environmentalism, capitalism and humanity do require a la...
If a tree falls in the forest, does anyone hear it? By the same token, if a midnight movie premieres on VOD or screens at an empty AMC multiplex at 2PM, is it s...
Cinema is often a space for abstract, subconscious expressions that require airing. Under The Shadow is an inspired psychological thriller from Iranian filmmake...
Tender and haunting, So Yong Kim’s Lovesong is a carefully observed, nuanced character study beautifully written, directed and edited. Much of the action, like ...
They may be “red and white and never blue” and they may “not even supposed to be here today,” but the clerks of Eh-2-Zed are certainly having an abnormal adoles...
A wise woman named Sheryl Crow once said, “a change will do you good." For Irene, a pretty 23-year old-ish artistically inclined misfit, it’s as simple as a hai...
Three bank robbers walk into a dysfunctional home on the prairie in JT Mollner's cold-blooded Outlaws and Angels, filmed and premiering at Sundance in glorious ...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.