Andrej (Matej Zemljic) is an eighteen-year-old abuser. He's stopped going to school, started getting into fights, disrespects his parents, and most recently hit...
Men have it tough, don't they? I mean they have to worry about married women they've engaged in inner-office affairs with ratting them out to the new boss. Some...
America isn't the only country with a portion of its population rejecting refugee clemency (although it's the most high profile due to international stature, ec...
Less than an hour from Naples, Italy is Castel Volturno, a place marred by newspaper headlines like "Forsaken Village" and "Sex, Drugs, and the Mafia." It shoul...
Rojo opens as people leave a house with objects in-hand, the assumption being that they were bought in an estate sale or pilfered before one could begin. A man ...
Do you have a Lee Israel work on your shelf? What should be a matter of owning one of her books or not since she was a notable author of biographies who hit the...
A lot can change in five to ten years and even more can unfortunately remain the same. When we first meet the Joyce family little Frances' age has yet to hit do...
The conversation surrounding Black Lives Matter is (and should be) about the victims of police violence who've yet to see any killers in blue face real conseque...
The summer between middle school and high school is a formative one for any kid. There's this sense of moving away from childhood and towards young adulthood — ...
Morbid or not: I love when stationary characters turn to the camera only to be hit by a vehicle coming from offscreen. There's something that's just immensely s...