As soon as Tin's (Zaw Win) tacky shuttle spins his passengers (Cole Burden's Darren and Chris Modrzynski's Dean) away from the picturesque majesty of Niagara Fa...
The Owens family is at a nexus point of chaotic emotions, troubles, and fears thanks to the start of new chapters in their respective lives. Mom (Katherine Wess...
Dr. Leigh Waters (Angell Conwell) has a line of dialogue towards the end of Caretakers that I was desperate to hear since the beginning. She reminds the med stu...
Mankind found a way to overpower its Gods in Tom Paton's throwback sci-fi horror Black Site. After discovering that Elder Gods were in-hiding and draining our p...
My biggest takeaway from Christina Kallas' The Rainbow Experiment is that teachers really don't get paid enough in this country. Think about new technologies, e...
The only thing worse than never getting your happy ending is having it within grasp and realizing you cannot accept it. To see salvation and turn around knowing...
There's a line that our actions can cross when our desire to help others turns into helping ourselves. And it's often difficult to see when you're the one falli...
The rarest of items can claim a collector's soul if he/she isn't careful. When that item — something thought to be merely myth — is held in your hands, you neve...
The latest cinematic look at Pablo Escobar is titled Loving Pablo for a reason: it's based on Colombian journalist Virginia Vallejo's book Loving Pablo, Hating ...