Wait. You don't know who Paul Anderson, the non-director, is? He was that henchman in that Sherlock Holmes sequel you saw with your friends but decided not ...
Female comedians Rose Byrne and Anna Faris have jumped onboard I Give It A Year, a romantic comedy written and directed by Dan Mazer (screenwriter of Bruno), ...
In a suite at the Waldorf Astoria, three men roam the halls who have been Flynn at one time or another. One, author Nick Flynn, skinny and frail with a long...
Being Flynn, directed by Paul Weitz, has been a long time coming. Based on the autobiographical novel Another Bullshit Night in Suck City by Nick Flynn, Weitz h...
Veteran filmmaker John Badham is ready to get back on the feature saddle again. He's in talks to take on In The Rough, written by Leslie Boehm (the man who'...
On the heels of the commercial success of his American blockbuster debut Safe House, Swedish director Daniel Espinosa's breakout drug film Snabba Cash (a.k....
Michael Bay's $25 million weight-lifting heist/kidnapping film Pain and Gain is putting together an impressive cast. Now add one more: Anthony Mackie. He joins ...
With Rachel McAdams and Noomi Rapace already set to star Brian De Palma's return to the genre he revived in the 70s and 80s, Passion, a loose retelling of t...
His last film was the underrated 2008 film Traitor and he helmed a couple of episodes of the much-loved Showtime series Homeland. Now, writer/director Jeffr...
Independent film production is an ever-changing business, becoming both smaller and larger at the same time. While most anyone can make a film with a digita...
Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.