If you check my Flickchart you will find three Darren Aronofsky films in the Top 30 (The Fountain, Requiem For A Dream, Pi). He is arguably, when I argue with myself, my favorite auteur. Likewise, Brad Pitt graces the higher bounds of my list on more than one occasion. Sadly, while the two nearly teamed up for The Fountain (which seemingly would have made it leaps-and-bounds better than any movie ever made), they never have actually made it on to the same project together.

This could change, and I am beside myself with anticipation over it. IESB is reporting that the two will be working together on The Tiger, an adaptation of a John Valliant nonfiction story about a man-eating tiger in Siberia who appears to have a method and a reason for his killings. Pitt would play the conservationist in charge of hunting down the serial killing feline and disposing of it. Guillermo Arriaga (Babel) will pen the script.

This appears, however, to indicate Aronofsky‘s remake of Robocop is on the back burner. I’m okay with that. After The Wrestler fell a little short of expectations, I’m hoping that his upcoming Black Swan and perhaps The Tiger will solidify him at the forefront of filmmaking.

What is your favorite Aronofsky flick? What do you think about this duo?

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