Following up his Cannes Film Festival sensation in 2017, BPM (Beats per Minute), Robin Campillo recently returned with his new feature, Red Island. A semi-auto...
Returning to a festival he knows well, Elliot Page's latest film Close to You premiered at Toronto International Film Festival last fall and will now arrive th...
About 18 months ago a total stranger asked that I come to a Ridgewood apartment and watch a movie. This suggests the start of a profoundly unappetizing Penthou...
Winner of the 2024 Directing Award in its U.S. Documentary category at Sundance Film Festival, Julian Brave NoiseCat and Emily Kassie’s Sugarcane is one of the...
When Lee Isaac Chung was announced as director of a legacy sequel to Twister, many were quick to bemoan the fact that we’re stuck in an age where helming a Bes...
It’s been 15 long years since Sam Raimi last helmed a film in the genre he knows best, but the filmmaker is now finally returning to the horror arena with a ne...
Returning with his first film since 2019's The Goldfinch, Brooklyn director John Crowley's drama We Live in Time pairs Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield in a d...
Taking place August 7-17, the official selection for the 77th Locarno Film Festival has been unveiled, featuring a stellar-looking slate of highly anticipated ...
Is there a single more enigmatic director than John Ford? After many biographies, documentaries, and over half a century without the director’s presence on thi...
Striking the balance between harsh vibes and exceptional cinema, I'm pleased to announce our next program at the Roxy: The Film Stage has teamed with Chapo Tra...