Indie It-Girl Kat Dennings has become known for her winsome yet snarky sass appearing in a bevy of quirky features. And before she struts her smirk into this summer’s Thor, you can catch her in the indie drama Daydream Nation, in which she plays an apologetically sexually active teen in the midst of a tricky love triangle.

The trailer looks to be Easy A meets Juno, which is to say I’m looking forward to this one. Like Emma Stone and Ellen Page before her, Dennings plays a girl who refuses to be defined by the slurs often ascribed to sexually active/sexually interested females. Notably Daydream looks to go darker than either of its comedic predecessors, as its heroine does more than flirt with an older man and its trailer features some shouting and stuff-throwing. And lest her warring love interests forget, she pronounces, “I’m not here to save you; I’m the main character of my life!”

Check out a trailer and clip from Daydream Nation, courtesy of Hulu:

Daydream Nation opens in the US May 6th, and hits DVD May 17th. ‘

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