With over one-hundred credits to his directorial resume, Takashi Miike is showing no signs of slowing down. After First Love made a bit of a splash, the prolific Japanese director is now back with the fantasy epic The Great Yokai War: Guardians, a sequel to his 2005 film. The story tracks a fifth-grader who inherits a hunter’s blood and must save the world from supernatural monsters. Set for a summer release in Japan, the first trailer and poster have now arrived.
As Logan Kenny wrote in our 2021 preview, “A new Takashi Miike film is always a gift. The insanely productive and utterly wild auteur has worked in almost every genre available, jumping from comedic video-game adaptations to blood-soaked samurai battles to sadistically cruel exploitation cinema. He’s returning to the realm of fantasy, his sequel following an elementary student inheriting the blood of a monster hunter tasked to save his world from the yokai. Given his track record, Guardians could be unforgettable.”
Watch the trailer below via Asian Wiki.

The Great Yokai War: Guardians opens in Japan this summer.