A year like no other in film history, 2020 has seen numerous releases and productions delayed, along with worlds of exhibition and distribution needing to reth...
"Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover" is a proverb whose simple existence proves the fact impressionable souls will do so without fail. This monthly column foc...
After wrapping up our Sundance Film Festival coverage, it's time to look towards the month in movies. While Berlinale will kick off in a few weeks and Oscar se...
From Horse Money to Colossal Youth and beyond, Pedro Costa has consistently impressed with his enigmatic and austere works, turning his camera to the disenfran...
We don't want to overwhelm you, but while you're catching up with our top 50 films of 2019, more cinematic greatness awaits in 2020. Ahead of our 100 most...
For our most comprehensive year-end feature, we're providing a cumulative look at The Film Stage's favorite films of 2019. We've asked our contributors to...