After premiering at Sundance Film Festival in 2010, we haven't heard much about Nick Tomnay's directorial debut. The "slippery psychological thriller" stars...
After acting newcomer Suraj Sharma grabbed the Ang Lee's Life of Pi lead last year, a trio of international actors joined the project, but we haven't heard much...
I was pretty excited to see The Beastie Boys' 30 minute short film/music video Fight For Your Right - Revisited at Sundance this year. The cast includes (wa...
Hesher, from director Spencer Susser and co-written by Animal Kingdom's David Michôd, has been getting divisive reviews since its Sundance 2010 premiere. We...
Here at The Film Stage, we strive to bring the most current, accurate information about new emerging or releasing project in the cinematic world. Often, the support you the viewer then show to a film your interested in is to pass on these news stories, which spreads awareness, or to hopefully see them in their opening weekend, so their box office numbers can warrant a wider release. But wouldn’t it be nice if you could make a deeper impact.
Allow me to introduce you to Eugene Martin and his feature-length documentary film The Anderson Monarchs. The Anderson Monarchs are an all-girls soccer team who compete, live, and thrive in an at-risk urban neighborhood in Philadelphia. The director, Eugene Martin, a critically acclaimed filmmaker whose work looks intimately at issues of youth, the inner city, poverty, and social justice, discovered the Monarchs when he began coaching his daughter’s soccer team, and was drawn to their story....
Tribeca Film Festival has a healthy dosed of music-related documentaries this year. We have Beats, Rhymes, and Life: The Travels of a Tribe Called Quest (wh...
Morgan Spurlock's latest documentary POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold is hitting theaters this month and we have a little piece of the ...
Last week we presented the first half of my interview with Happythankyoumoreplease's writer/director/star Josh Radnor, in which he expounded on his discoverie...
One of the most hilariously disturbing shorts I saw at Sundance 2011 was from Tim & Eric, who are currently shooting their feature film Billion Dollar M...
In the midst of SXSW, Hobo with a Shotgun writer/director Jason Eisener and producer Rob Cotterill made some time to sit down with TFS for a few minutes and d...