After venturing into the studio comedy world with initial success thanks to the hilarious Pineapple Express, David Gordon Green's output soon delivered dimi...
Continuing in the same vein on a bigger playing field, director-writer Zal Batmanglij and actor-writer Brit Marling‘s follow-up to the acclaimed Sound of My...
Aiming to be the indie hit of the summer, after unveiling the trailer, Fox Searchlight have released a fun first poster for their comedy, The Way, Way Ba...
Following the successful Kickstarter campaign for the Veronica Mars film, it seems as though the floodgates have opened for launching major productions thro...
After making a splash at Sundance Film Festival this year, with two dramatic efforts from Sebastian Silva (Crystal Fairy and Magic Magic), Michael Cera is c...
With the 66th Cannes Film Festival kicking off in just three weeks, we've got a grab bag of updates today. First up, Ain't Them Bodies Saints, a film we ini...
Audiences may be clamoring to see the return of Superman, the Wolfpack, minions, Tony Stark, Captain Kirk & crew and more this summer, but around these ...
Emerging as a star worth watching in Andrea Arnold's Wuthering Heights, Hollywood has taken notice of Kaya Scodelario. The actress recently booked a role in...
With Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby set to open the 2013 Cannes Film Festival, we've now got the complete official line-up from the event, which notably in...
As the summer season approaches, many of us will be planning exotic getaways or quick vacations to enjoy the weather. But for the trio of main characters in...